Džons Kārpenters un "Masters of Horror".
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The Masters of Horror , 13 one-hour episodes, will air during the fall of 2005 on the Showtime Network. Sometime after the broadcast, they will get deluxe treatment on DVD. The director list, the "Masters" if you will, for this project is incredible. Just to name drop a few: Dario Argento ("Suspiria", "Opera"), Don Coscarelli ("Phantasm", "Bubba Ho-Tep"), George Romero (king of zombies, need we say more?), John Carpenter ("Halloween", "The Thing"), John Landis ("An American Werewolf in London"), Rob Zombie ("House of 1000 Corpses", "The Devil’s Rejects", and we've heard he's in a band too), Roger Corman ("Little Shop of Horrors", "Frankenstein Unbound"), and Tobe Hooper ("Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "Poltergeist").
Tā, mazliet nogaidīšu, kad beigsies masturbācija un turpināšu :) Nu prieks, ka Galdnieks atkal pie darba. Iepriekšējā filma viņam iznāca akurāt 2001. gadā, un tā bija supermegaģeniālais trešs "Ghosts of Mars", kurš gan laikam patīk tikai man vienam. No visiem režisoriem, kas man patīk - Kemerons (viss izņemot "Titāniku"), Finčers (viss), Rodrigezs (viss izņemot "El Mariachi"), Bejs (par "Rock" un "Bad Boys") un Leone (par "Dolāru Triloģiju") Galdnieks ir vienīgais, kuram nav NEVIENAS filmas, kas man nepatiktu. Ir ģeniālas ("They Live"), ir krutas ("Escape from", "The Thing"), muļķīgi smieklīgas ("Big Trouble in Little China"), viduvējas ("Village of the Damned") un vienkārši pavājas ("Memoirs of the Invisible Man"), bet nav nevienas, kas nepatiktu. Tieši tapēc Galdnieks ir mans all-time-favourite filmu režisors. Ko tad viņš gatavo šoreiz?
”Cigarette Burns” dir. John Carpenter Screenplay by Drew McWeeny & Scott Swan Jimmy Sweetman (Norman Reedus, "Blade II") knows how to find rare film prints. However, nothing could prepare him for the daunting search for LA FIN DU MONDE, a film allegedly shown only once and rumored to have driven its audience into a murderous frenzy before the theater mysteriously erupted in flames. Working for a shadowy patron, Jimmy’s increasingly obsessive investigation becomes nightmarish and deadly. Finally he discovers LA FIN DU MONDE’s infamy is well deserved. This supernatural CHINATOWN is a chilling look at the power of cinema and the lengths to which we will go to satiate our private demons. (info par pārējām epizodēm)
Izklausās kruta, vai ne? :) Btw kāds eksperts var man izskaidrot terminu "Cigarette Burns"? Tas ir pilnīgi droši kaut kāds kino termins. Nu ko, gaidam Oktobri un acīmredzot jau HDTVRip'u sākumā :)
ps. Heh, būtu kruta, ja abi vecie veči, Kārpenters un Rasels, atkal apvienotos kādam "pēdējam darbiņam" - nu, tur palaistu Sneiku kosmosā vai sarīkotu vēl vienu traci Mazajā Ķīnā :) Ak, sapņi, sapņi... |